The G-Spot: What is it and where is it?
What is the G-spot and do I have a one?
The short answer is yes, you do have a G-spot. Everyone has one. However, whether or not the G-spot provides sexual pleasure is very individual for each woman.
The G-spot (named after a Dr. Grafenberg) is a sensitive area near the front of the vagina on the upper wall. If you or your partner insert a finger in your vagina and make a “come hither” movement, you should be able to find the G-spot. If you touch that spot and the surrounding area you will be able to tell if it is a particularly sensitive area for you.
Why does the G-spot not “do anything” for me?
Erogenous zones vary for different women. Stimulating different parts of the body feels differently to different women and the G-spot is no exception. Some women love having their nipples touched or stroked. Some women hate it and some women are indifferent. The G-spot should be approached in the same way. Some women find this spot to be very sensitive and enhancing to their enjoyment of sex, others do not report having such a spot or finding its stimulation particularly exciting.
How do I know if I would like G-spot stimulations?
The best way to figure out whether or not the G-spot is an erogenous zone for you is to try it. You or your partner can try to locate the spot and stimulate it, either using a finger or a toy. There are many toys designed for G-spot stimulation. You can spend a few minutes touching the area in various ways, or try to have an orgasm in your usual way at the same time as touching the G-spot and see if it feels good to you.
The most important thing to remember is not to make yourself crazy! If you don’t feel any difference, or if the response is minor, you are not doing anything wrong and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You might just be one of those people for whom the G-spot is not a particularly sensitive part of the body. It is good to know that bodies change as we get older and sometimes things feel different at changing stages in our lives. If you haven’t tried your G-spot in a few years, there is certainly no harm in trying to stimulate it at another time.
Will the G-spot change my orgasm?
For some women, when this area is stimulated during sex, the result is an orgasm that feels different from or more intense than, the orgasm they have with clitoral stimulation only. The orgasm may also include a gush of fluid from the urethra. No one is quite certain what the liquid is composed of but many women find the “ejaculation” pleasurable and their partners find it exciting.
However, if you don’t feel any difference that does not mean that you are doing anything “wrong” or that your vagina is insensitive. You might just be one of those people for whom the G-spot is not an erogenous zone. At some other point in your sex life, you may want to try to experience it again and see if anything has changed for you.
G-spot Resources
Research Study
A twin study exploring the genetic and environmental influences on self-reported G Spots in women.
The G-spot: A Modern Gynecologic Myth
Abstract of an article published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The article reviews the behavioral, biochemical, and anatomic evidence for the reality of the G Spot and female ejaculation.
Who's afraid of the G-spot?
Abstract of an article published by the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The article explores the controversial nature of the G Spot and female sexuality.