Tearing with penetration

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    I hope that someone can help me here. I had this issue couple of years back before I was sexually active. Shortly before my period, I would tear when wiping after peeing. It eventually stopped happening so I didn’t think of that anymore. I started being sexually active 4 years ago and nothing like this ever happened until I met my bf. It started last December. I was sick and also got a yeast infection. From then until May this year, I got yeast infections every month after my period. I used the regular over-the-counter yeast infection medicine and it would subside. I wouldn’t tear anymore and the yeast infection symptoms were gone until the next month. So, I eventually bought Döderlein Bacteria, oral probiotics and herbal vaginal cream which helped. Unfortunately, I then started having utis. I had one in June and July after my period, however this time I bought a another vaginal suppository and this month I didn’t develop one. However whenever we have sex I tear at the fossa novacularis. It’s always the same spot and sometimes I feel that part of my left labia minora is sore as well. The Tearing subsided for some time after using the yeast medicine but, now it happens every single time. Sometimes with my clit too. It’s not a wetness issue because I’m either very wet myself or we use lube and good amount, which even makes sex very slippery. I have had to sti screenings, everything is negative. My gyn always says it’s a wetness issue and I feel like she doesn’t really take me seriously.
    Did someone have the same issue and heal it somehow? I have a new gyn I wanna visit but my appointment is in October and I’m frustrated.

    I’m currently using:
    Boric Acid from Nutricost
    Fem Dophilus probiotics
    I will get the vaginal cream that I used again, I felt that it also really helped.

    Please help, I’m soooo frustrated.

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