Dilating to #7

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    Thanks, Heather. That same night I tried again and was able to insert it but only to leave it in for 1 minute as it hurt so badly. It would be such a confidence booster for me if I could dilate with #7. Next time I will dilate with #6 longer and then use lidocaine/lube with #7. I didn’t even think about using the mix. Thank you and I will keep you posted. Started to get worried that the Botox will be wearing off soon as I’m at day 54. Do you remember knowing when it wore off? Was it harder to dilate? Did you experience pain again?


    Hello. I feel my husband is bigger than 6. I was thinking about ordering 7. Any suggestions,? Or will I be alright with 6?


    H there, would though hubby would be bigger than a six, so we bought the glass seven. Once I got really comfortable with the six, I progressed to seven, and this helped me feel less anxious about attempting intercourse. However, once we were able to have sex, I realised I didn’t actually need to use the seven any longer, and in fact I now only rarely use the six, as the five is sufficient! So I would say it’s not essential, but helped me to physically and menatally prepare.


    I’m not sure I would have had the confidence to attempt intercourse if I hadn’t dilated with the glass seven for the weeks prior to our first attempt at intercourse. It really seemed to help relieve some anxiety going into that first attempt knowing that I had successfully dilated with the glass seven. When I first transitioned to the seven, I dilated a little longer with the glass blue beforehand and made sure to use the lidocaine/lube mix.

    mmDr. Pacik

    For partners who are larger than the blue dilator, dilating to #7 is like an insurance policy. Once you get comfortable with intercourse it is unlikely #7 needs to be used. We have a glass #8 also and here too it is possible to dilate to this size. A baby’s head is larger than #8 so the vagina is certainly capable of this stretch. Of interest is for many of patients who get comfortable with intercourse, most just dilate to the pink #5 and this seems to be adequate. It would be of interest to hear from the ladies how this plays out. What did you dilate to, and once comfortable with intercourse which dilator did you use routinely as preparation for intercourse? Also, when did you stop dilating prior to intercourse, or do you continue to so and for how long time wise and for how many months? Everyone is different, but some guidelines can be of great value for others.


    I bought #7 when I had my procedure done because I thought it would help me mentally. Now that I’m successful with #6 and it seems easy, I am seriously considering moving to #7 just to boost my confidence and get my mind reprogrammed. :0)


    Tonight I tried inserting #7. It wouldn’t budge. Does anyone have advice on how they advanced to #7? I dilated with #5 and #6 for over 30 minutes. #6 is very comfortable for me now so I thought it was time for #7. I guess my body is telling me no. 🙁


    Hi Nakita. I’m so sorry that you had troubles with #7. I have not tried the larger glass dilators but, in the past, dilating with pink (pure romance) for quite a while always, always made it that much easier to insert big blue afterwards. Maybe it might work well if you dilated with #6 for quite a while in advance of using #7. Also, Palmtree transitioned to seven, and wrote “when I first transitioned to the seven, I dilated a little longer with the glass blue beforehand and made sure to use the lidocaine/lube mix.” Hope this helps and I am here for you always!


    Thanks, Heather. That same night I tried again and was able to insert it but only to leave it in for 1 minute as it hurt so badly. It would be such a confidence booster for me if I could dilate with #7. Next time I will dilate with #6 longer and then use lidocaine/lube with #7. I didn’t even think about using the mix. Thank you and I will keep you posted. Started to get worried that the Botox will be wearing off soon as I’m at day 54. Do you remember knowing when it wore off? Was it harder to dilate? Did you experience pain again?


    Hi Nakitalab. It is very, very common to be nervous about what will happen after the Botox wears off. I noticed no change whatsoever in regards to pain once my Botox wore off. I experienced absolutely none – thank God! The only change that I noticed was I was able to produce more natural lubricant and my husband told me that he noticed a tighter feeling. He also noticed this once I reduced my dilating time as well. I have never experienced any pain post-procedure and have never had any of the same experiences that I had prior to this procedure (i.e. never being able to insert anything, never being able to have intercourse, being humiliated at gynecology appointments, etc.). It’s seriously the solution that my husband and I prayed for so many years for. The only reason that I knew the Botox had worn off is because of the time frame Dr. Pacik told me that it would last. I never noticed that it was more difficult to dilate. Even following a lengthy break from dilating, I was able to begin right back up again with no pain whatsoever. Hope this helps.

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