he revision of your site looks so, so great Dr. P. My favorite parts include the discussion of your multimodal treatment program that addresses both the psychological as well as physical components of vaginismus.
“Our multimodal program using Botox to calm the spastic muscles, progressive dilation under anesthesia to stretch the tight vaginal muscles, post procedure counseling and careful follow up has resulted in a high rate of long term vaginismus cure and is the only program in the United States to have received FDA approval for continued research in the field of vaginismus using the Pacik multimodal vaginismus treatment program.”
For me personally, I tried to address both separately at varying times (i.e. pelvic floor PT, using dilators alone, workbooks from vaginismus.com, etc.) and this never worked. By addressing the real physical component of the condition (i.e. the wall that always prevented penetration of any kind dissipated post Botox treatment), I was able to then insert all of the varying sized dilators as well as have successful exams and pain-free intercourse. Co-currently, as I became more and more used to dilating and intercourse, my anxiety surrounding this lessened and lessened and all of this was addressed with your counseling and close follow-up post-procedure. This combined treatment program worked for my husband and I when everything else we tried failed.
I also really, really love the link to the articles http://www.plasticsurgerypa.com/vaginismus-articles/ as it includes real patient stories and testimonials as well as important information about vaginismus.