11 Weeks Pregnant after Procedure in January 2014

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Success Stories 11 Weeks Pregnant after Procedure in January 2014

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    Hello Forum Folks!

    I have not been hugely involved on the forum, but I wanted to write a quick note that may hopefully encourage someone looking through here before their procedure or even in the early dilation stages before intercourse.

    I underwent Dr. Pacik’s procedure in January 2014. It feels like both a lifetime ago and only yesterday that we were in NH.
    Receiving Botox for Vaginismus was both the best decision we have ever made and one of the most painful experiences of my life.
    I don’t want to scare anyone considering the procedure, but I want to be honest about my journey. The pain was well worth it! And I would do it 20 times over if I had to!

    After my procedure, we returned home and the progressive dilation begun it was incredibly hard and emotional. There was more pain than I expected, but we just took it one day at a time. By the end of February, my husband and I were able to have intercourse for the first time ever! It was a miracle! I continued dilating daily for the next few months, I slowly tapered off because we were having sex regularly and I wasn’t having any pain at all!

    In April/May we decided to toss out the birth control pills. We used an alternate form of birth control for about a month to get the pill out of my system. Then we just decided to go for the gold and see what happens!

    We found out we were 4 weeks pregnant on July 9th.
    I am now 11 weeks along and getting ready to start my 2nd trimester.

    For so long, the dream of children seemed a completely impossible idea.
    Dr. Pacik made our dream a reality and we cannot thank him enough!

    Don’t lose hope and don’t lose sight of your dream! Know that you aren’t alone in this.

    Thank you Dr. Pacik!

    Talk about a life changer!

    mmDr. Pacik

    Janet just told me about your pregnancy and I am so happy for the two of you. I know it was not an easy course post treatment, but you did what you needed to and came out victorious. I am very happy that you posted, others need to know the full scope of what happens post treatment.
    Please send pix when available and please stay in touch.

    Janet Pacik

    Congratulations! We are so happy for you!


    Congratulations Bethany! So, so, so wonderful! Sending you big hugs!!!!

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