I am very sure I have mentioned this statistic in previous blogs… only 30% of women orgasm from a penis in their vagina alone. Only 30%. O.K. So if you’re not one of the 30% there is really nothing wrong with you!! However, often women say they WANT to have an orgasm while their partner is inside of them. Totally cool and understandable. It’s nice to have that experience while you are close together. Some women say their orgasms are more intense when they have something inside their vagina…so here are your choices.
- Use your own hand. Just wait until you are good and turned on and then slide your hand down there and make yourself cum.
- Use your partners hand. This take a bit more… shall we say… coordination? but it’s worth a try. If the women is on top or the man is coming in from behind it often frees up the partner’s hand to use on her clitoris.
- Use a vibrator while the guy is inside from any direction. Sometimes guys love the feel of the vibrator. Sometimes they don’t. Check in.
- A “hands free vibrator.” They make a whole bunch of models but they are all the same idea. There is a ring that goes around the guys penis. (A “constrictor if you are trying to be cultured. A “cock ring” if you are trying to be cool.) The end of it has a small vibrator that should hit the women’s clitoris. There are a bunch of models out there.
Check out some adult toy websites. Just be aware that these vibrators are small so they may not do the job for all women.