Often I have patients who have trouble having orgasms. Sometimes they are women who are going through menopause or are getting older and they’re just having a harder time “getting there.” Sometimes they are women who always just had a harder time reaching orgasm. Either way, a vibrator makes their life wayyyyy easier and often gives them stronger orgasms.
“Okay then,” I say. “So you use the vibrator when you’re having sex with your partner, right?” Hun? They looks at me kind of blankly. Apparently, it never occurred to them.
So here’s some advice: If you are in that category of women, USE THE VIBRATOR WHEN YOU’RE HAVING SEX WITH YOUR PARTNER. It will make the sex more fun, less stressful (no more worry,) your partner won’t have to “work so hard,” you won’t feel so guilty for making your partner “work so hard,” and your orgasms will probably be stronger.
And please, please don’t tell me that a vibrator is “unnatural.” Phooey! So is the electric light bulb. We don’t live our lives by candlelight in an attempt to “remain natural.” Do yourself a favor…USE THE VIBRATOR IF YOU LIKE IT. There is nothing wrong with you!!