Low Libido after Childbirth

You know you used to be into sex. Yes, that was you, not someone else.  You remember thinking at one time, “wow, this is great!” But it just doesn’t seem to be happening that way anymore. Okay, you think, “so I had a baby (you fill in the blank: 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, …

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Low Desire Affects 1 out of 3 Women

At Maze Women’s Health, we treat women with the following sexual wellness concerns: low desire, low arousal, difficulty with orgasm, and pain. Often, there is some overlap and these conditions are nuanced and multi-factorial. I want to focus on “low desire” which affects one out of three women ( I’m  not talking about HSDD- hypo …

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Did You Know?

Did you know that there is an app that showcases sexual radio plays? It’s called Dipsea and it. Is. Hot. From aural to oral (and everything in between). Did you know that most women can’t just turn on their desire at the drop of a hat? As a matter of fact, clinical sex therapist Rosemary …

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Spicing Up Your Sex Life

It’s that time of year when people are thinking about their new year’s resolutions. And while there are lots of great ideas for what you can plan to accomplish in 2021 (just celebrating that it is no longer 2020 is a great start), might I suggest resolving to either improve or get more out of …

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And Baby Makes…(Sex Challenging)

It’s not uncommon for new moms to face challenges regarding sex after they welcome a new baby into their lives. There are a whole host of reasons for this, and we invite you to check out our Postpartum Page for a comprehensive explanation of potential causes and evidence-based solutions that can get you back on-track. …

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