Sex therapist, Paul shared popular refrains he hears from male patients on what goes through their mind during sex. So now it’s our turn!
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Category: Orgasm
Sex therapist, Paul shared popular refrains he hears from male patients on what goes through their mind during sex. So now it’s our turn!
Continue ReadingI find myself reassuring women all day long in my sex therapy practice. Many, many, many women have orgasms while on their stomachs and not when they are on their backs. Really? Really and Truly? YES! I don’t know what it is about the “stomach orgasm” that makes so many women feel like if they orgasm …
Continue ReadingPeople worry about their fantasy life way too much. I’m not sure when, or how, as a society, we lost our ability to distinguish between imagination and real life, but I know that loss of distinction affects us in many unhealthy ways. And, as a sex therapist, I’ll assure you, that your sex life is …
Continue ReadingWe see you, Self Magazine! Their issue featured a fantastic and comprehensive article on masturbation and all the what’s, how’s and whys were at the party. We highly recommend you check it out and we recommend even more highly that you find some time to explore and play! Extra points to the authors for their inclusivity: …
Continue ReadingI once spoke with a woman who bristled at my suggestion that she introduce her vibrator to her sexual partner. I inquired as to the source of her objection. She explained that she was afraid to hurt her partner’s feelings; that it might lead to feelings of inadequacy. She was deeply attracted to this person, …
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