The Case For Vibrators

Vibrators have taken a bad rap. Truthfully, they can be the most useful and easy tool in a woman’s sexual arsenal. And yet, vibrators have been relegated to the sidelines. Is it because sometimes women think of them as “kinky?” Is it because women are afraid that the use of a vibrator will make their …

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The Challenges of Sexuality in Marriage

If I had to sum up the challenges of sexuality in marriage, it would be a borrowed quote from Dr. Jack Morin, author of “The Erotic Mind”. He defines eroticism as “the interplay of sexual arousal with the challenges of living and loving.” What are challenges of living that can get in the way of sexual …

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The Perk of Predictability

Sometimes unpredictability makes life more fun, adventurous, and interesting. But when it comes to sexual dysfunction, unpredictability can intensify the emotional pain and lead to continued avoidance and distance.  When you can’t trust that your body and mind will show up for sex the way you hope, it may make you want to say, why …

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When vaginismus treatment fails after successful vaginismus treatment

During the many years I treated Vaginismus I have also supported a number of women who regressed after successful vaginismus treatment. The most common reasons are: Returning to a busy work program often coupled with failure to continue dilating Lack of sexual interest, low libido, lack of lubrication, anorgasmia (failure to achieve orgasm) Disgust with …

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SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons. Most of my patients complain that their symptoms begin in the fall, continuing through the winter and end in the Spring.  However,  some patients feel SAD in the spring or early summer. Symptoms of SAD include: Irritability Low energy Low …

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