TikTok helped start the conversation about Bio Identical Hormones and Maze wants to continue it with our new partnership with Marcella Hill.
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Tag: bioidentical hormones
TikTok helped start the conversation about Bio Identical Hormones and Maze wants to continue it with our new partnership with Marcella Hill.
Continue ReadingOften patients have misinformation about bioidentical hormones and compounding pharmacies since there is so much confusing and misleading information out there about both of them. Hopefully this sheet will clear up some misunderstandings and misconceptions. Bioidentical hormones – are products in which the chemical makeup of the hormones exactly matches the chemical makeup of the …
Continue ReadingWe do a lot of hormonal treatment for low desire. And the truth is, if a low hormone level is the culprit, this treatment can be very effective. But I do want to put out a word of caution to women who are trying a hormonal treatment: You need to be tested by someone who …
Continue ReadingHaving low hormone levels do not necessarily mean that your desire for sex will shrivel up like styrofoam in a campfire. Sex, and our desire for sex, is dependent on many, many elements and hormones are just one of them. For most women having a healthy relationship with her partner, being attracted to her partner, …
Continue ReadingThere is so much confusion and misinformation when it comes to “bioidentical hormones.” Let me see if I can set the record straight. “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “organic.” “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “natural.” “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “not really hormones.” …
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