We’ve seen women’s lives turn around when they have learned to love the most important person in their lives, themselves…
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Tag: love yourself
We’ve seen women’s lives turn around when they have learned to love the most important person in their lives, themselves…
Continue ReadingThe Biblical verse “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” has been drummed into many of us. What especially strikes me in my work at Maze Women’s Health is that we can easily be a good friend to others but ironically, self-compassion is hard to come by. A useful exercise to move away from self-criticism …
Continue ReadingWe all want to be happy, but the truth is that happiness does not just happen. Just like most things in life we need to figure out a plan and recognize what does and does not bring happiness into our lives. We cannot be happy all of the time, but we can objectively step back …
Continue ReadingWhy is it that so many of us go through our lives without looking deeply at our sexual self? There are few aspects of our lives that produce as much shame as sexuality, and the need to be “normal.” Society has created this mythical notion of what is “normal” or “ideal.” The normal weight, the …
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