Don’t Fall Back this Year

There are no quick fixes to feeling down and just plain “blah” during this time of the year when the weather changes from summer to fall. It somehow seems a drastic change to be able to swim in the ocean one day, and the next day you need to wear a sweater and boots. Seasonal …

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A Spring of Anxiety

Many of us in the Northeast suffer from what is commonly referred to as SAD.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is the time between November and March when the temperature drops and the sun goes down at 4PM. Why then is everything not all better when spring rolls around?  Rational thinking would lead one to believe …

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SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons. Most of my patients complain that their symptoms begin in the fall, continuing through the winter and end in the Spring.  However,  some patients feel SAD in the spring or early summer. Symptoms of SAD include: Irritability Low energy Low …

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Falling Back to Spring Forward

With the ending of Daylight Saving Time, I’ve been noticing that numerous patients seem to be feeling down, more anxious and less vibrant. I saw that the Fall TV Special (created in 1966)   “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” aired recently. That reminded me of the Broadway musical “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown,” particularly …

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Keeping up your mojo.

It’s that time of year; awesome sales, no more humidity, and that feeling that the holiday spirit is right around the corner. But as the days get shorter and you change your wardrobe, you may also start to notice a change in your mood and energy, and some may feel like their sex life flies …

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