Dodson debate.

An interesting thing happened at Yale a few weeks ago. Betty Dodson, a feminist, bisexual, 84 year old, champion of free love and sexual diversity, debated an Orthodox traditional Jewish 21 year old at the Yale political Union. The Yale Political Union is the nation’s largest student debating society where students engage each other as …

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Sex Week at Yale — Part 2.

Continued from Wednesday….. For the most part it seems that Sex Week became a way to highlight diversity and kink with sex. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think exposing people who are interested in non-vanilla sex is useful and there aren’t too many safe arenas in which this can happen. However, it …

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Sex Week at Yale — Part 1.

Yale University cancelled Sex Week. Well, they didn’t actually cancel it, they merely told the organizers they could no longer use the Yale name or Yale funding. I thought this was pretty interesting not only because it’s been a slow news week on the sex front (Herman Cain and the Penn State scandal not withstanding) …

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