2 years and counting!

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Success Stories 2 years and counting!

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    K Howard

    I absolutely could not allow today to go by without posting! Today marks two years since I’ve had my procedure (for the second time) and I am so blessed to say that my husband and I are expecting our first little one at the end of December! I am so very thankful to Dr. Pacik and his wonderful staff for everything that they do for their patients – it is truly a blessing. If you are still contemplating whether or not you should go through with the procedure, don’t think about it for another moment for it will truly change your life. Since having the procedure, I’ve been able to wear tampons when I choose (no pain!) and actually have intercourse with my husband (never thought that would be possible).

    When we found out that I was pregnant, I was so very happy and excited but I could not help but have a bit of fear at the fact that I would have to get poked and prodded throughout the pregnancy. Although I’d dilated, had sex, wore tampons, etc. I still couldn’t help but wonder how I would handle having a trans vaginal ultrasound done or having a doctor poke around. Due to the fact that my husband and I had been trying to conceive (with no luck) for a little bit of time, we’d sought out a doctor at a local infertility clinic to check to see if there was anything of concern. We went to our first appointment and I had to do blood work and then was told I would have to have a trans vaginal ultrasound to check things out. When the doctor left out of the room so that I could change clothes, I instantly became nervous when I saw the equipment and asked my husband if he thought I should tell the doctor about the vaginismus and being nervous. My husband suggested that I not mention it at that time (we’d actually already talked about it briefly with the doctor during the conversation we had in his office prior to going into the ultrasound room) because that would open the door for more fear and thoughts to set in. He said that I should just try to relax as he would be right there by my side. The doctor came in and explained he was going to perform the ultrasound. He was very gentle and similar to the dilator, there was a small pinch at first and then it went right on in. I did feel pressure as the doctor moved the wand around inside of me but nothing that I couldn’t handle. It was such a relief when it was over to know that I’d accomplished something I’d dreaded. I was supposed to go back the following week for another test after my cycle started but never got to that point.

    My cycle was a week and a day late and on the last day I felt horrible all day at work and just didn’t know what was going on. I decided to stop by the store after work for a pregnancy test, just to be sure but never really imagined it would be positive. I got home and woke my husband up (he was asleep at the time because he was working the night shift) and told him that I’d planned to take at test because I hadn’t felt well all day. Lo and behold, the test was positive (within a matter of seconds)! I called the infertility office the following day and they scheduled me for blood work (to confirm pregnancy) within the next few days. The doctor was so surprised (since we’d only been to the consultation visit and when he performed the ultrasound he indicated that it appeared that I may have endometriosis) when we saw him again and said that there was a good chance we were pregnant when we were at the initial appointment (although the baby would have been way too tiny to see at that time)! So amazing!

    Since that time, I’ve had three other trans vaginal ultrasounds and finally about two weeks ago I had a regular ultrasound and we found out that we’re having a BOY! I cannot explain the rush of emotions I felt when I saw our little one zooming around during the ultrasound (he just wouldn’t stay still lol) and covering his face. It is all just so surreal. If it wasn’t for God and his earthly angels (Dr. Pacik, his wife and staff) none of this would have been possible!


    Congrats !! I just had my one year anniversary! 🙂 glad all is well!


    So happy for you, K Howard! 🙂 I am due with our first little one the middle of January. It truly is such a blessing to have this gift of life when for so many years you don’t think that it will ever be possible. 🙂 I love your statement “God and his earthly angels”, that is exactly how I feel! SO happy for you and your husband, congratulations on this sweet boy of yours! 🙂 🙂


    LOVE this! So happy for you!



    mmDr. Pacik

    What wonderful news! You will be a great Mommy, and your honey a great Daddy! Congratulations.
    Please remember to send me pictures.

    K Howard

    Congratulations sgkophie on your one year anniversary! I’m glad to know that all is going well for you and I wish you much continued success!

    Becca thank you SO much and a huge congratulations to you! It is truly a blessing and I am wishing you a very healthy pregnancy and delivery 🙂

    Thank you so much Allie! I truly appreciate it!

    Thank you 23years!

    Dr. Pacik, thank you for your kind words! This truly would not have been possible without you and your wonderful staff. I truly appreciate all that you’ve done for myself, my family and so many other women around the world. You have truly made an impact in my life and I am forever thankful and appreciative. I will be sure to send photos of the little one 🙂


    Congratulations! I hope for this to me me one day! I just recently hit 2 months on my procedure I had it 6/9. We are successfully having sex and during my periods I’m wearing tampons!!! Did I read the first sentence right this was your second time for the procedure?



    K Howard I’m so excited for you! What wonderful news!


    That is so exciting! This post made my day!


    This is such wonderful news! I keep thinking about Dr. Pacik’s David and Goliath blog http://www.vaginismusmd.com/david-and-goliath/ and you have overcome! So, so, so happy for you! Sending huge hugs!!!

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