Hi ladies. There is an absolutely excellent new blog written today that highlights a Family’s Perspective of the Botox Treatment for Vaginismus:
Excerpts from the Blog include:
“Many of our patients who suffer from vaginismus suffer in silence. Most do not share their problems with anyone – not even their family members. I have always felt that sharing their story would help set them free and that they would then have the support and understanding they need. I have often recommended to my patients that they buy “When Sex Seems Impossible: Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy” by Peter T. Pacik, MD and give it to their family member and tell them “This is me. Please read this book and you will understand.”
The Blog goes on to share 2 family member’s perspectives shared by both an Aunt and a Father of two of the vaginismus patients. Thereafter, it references the patient’s own follow-up story. This is such a great Blog and I would encourage you all to read it and I welcome your comments and feedback.
Have you shared this with your own family? If so, how did you bring it up? What was the overall experience once shared?