Dilation after a break

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    Happy new year! I hope 2013 brings happiness to all of us!

    I haven’t posted in quite a while and today is the first time I have properly dilated for several months so i thought I’d write an update and see if anyone has advice after taking a dilation break?

    I had my botox procedure last January (almost a year ago!) and was able to have intercourse a couple of weeks later. Everything went really well and in September I found out I was pregnant! We were absolutely delighted as we never thought it would happen. Unfortunately, I miscarried in october at just over 9 weeks pregnant. We were very disappointed but it wasn’t meant to be. Unfortunately my body has taken a while to recover and today is the first time I’ve felt ready & able to dilate. I haven’t dilated since September and I’m a little worried that its going to be difficult to get back into the swing of things. Thankfully ive been able to insert the purple pure romance without problem or pain, although it does feel a little strange to have it inside me again. i just hope that the pink one goes in ok too 😕 I know the best thing to do is start with the smaller dilators and work my way back up slowly but does anyone have additional advice?

    Sorry to post a bit of a depressing update but today is the start of me getting back on track – I’m determined to make 2013 a good year! A few years ago, even just a year ago I never ever thought I could have intercourse, let alone get pregnant so I now have hope!

    Hugs to all 🙂


    Hi Lou. I’m sending you the biggest hug in the world right now. I’m very, very sorry that this happened and I am truly here for you always. Please always know this and know that I am available for you both through our e-mails and on the Forum! I know 2013 will be a very good year. I took an unexpected break from dilating for surgery from Feb-March of last year. I was so nervous that I would have a very difficult time starting up again but didn’t find that this was the case at all. Like you, I started with the medium sized purple dilator (pure romance). After dilating with this for an hour, I removed it and inserted the next size pink right in. The next day, I dilated with pink for an hour, and then inserted Mr. Blue right in for another hour. What helped to calm my nerves was to envision what I had previously done in Dr. Pacik’s office with inserting the dilators in the standing up position and I did, just that, again following my break. On my first day back dilating, I also used a bit of the lidocaine/surgilube mixture that I had remaining. While this was not necessary and I only used it on day 1, it helped to significantly reduce my anxiety about starting up again. I know you will not have a problem at all starting up again and inserting Ms. Pink next. I, too, often remind myself of where we were prior to the procedure, never able to have intercourse and not having a tremendous amount of hope of ever overcoming, to where we are right now – able to have pain-free intercourse and true hope again!!! I am here for you always! Hugs to you!!


    Hi Lou, I have complete confidence that if you stay consistent with the dilating program that we all have learned that you will be able to get to each ofthe next levels…pink…then blue. Go slow though and celebrate each time you are able to insert one. You will do great!

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