Getting the Word Out
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March 4, 2016 at 9:51 pm #18786
ParticipantHas anyone ever talked to med students during a class at a college, a conference, or something of that nature? I think I would be most open to potentially doing that if I had an opportunity mainly because I feel it is important to introduce future med students to vaginismus. I think hearing about it through the point of view of someone who suffers or has suffered with it would be much more informative than learning about it from a professor who has A. Never had it, B. Barely knows anything about it, C. Simply teaches what is in a text book, which is probably just a paragraph or two, or D. All of the above.
March 25, 2016 at 5:16 pm #18895Heather34
ParticipantHi lulu. I hope you are doing great! I absolutely LOVE the idea of talking to medical students during a class at a college or in a conference setting. I, too, would be completely open to participating in this as I want vaginismus to be taught and discussed in medical school so, so bad. I think if a Webinar was done, we could get participants from many different geographical locations. I would love to hear further thoughts here.
June 20, 2016 at 3:35 pm #19394Heather34
ParticipantHi lulu as well as everyone else reading this. I recently viewed the new vaginismus nonprofit, Lady’s Sparrow Foundation. They have an awesome program titled “Vagi-What?” Tour. See details below:
“Currently our physicians and psychologist are not taught sexual medicine in schools. So unless they seek out a sexual medicine certification on their own they do not have strong knowledge to diagnois vaginismus or help the individuals with a treatment program. This leaves women without options despite that there are multiple programs with a high success rate. Combine that with a society that is not aware of this disorder, these women feel like they are they only ones suffering despite the astounding numbers of sufferers. They live their life doing everything thing to keep this part of themselves hidden. Living a life void of fulfillment.
The “Vagi-What?” Tour, is designed to education our world so these women have a support system and options. The name “Vagi-What?”, stems from the response you typically get when you say vaginismus to someone. This tour will travel to universities, colleges, and women’s groups across the nation educating them in a captive way on what vaginismus is, how it impacts individuals, and the treatment options available. Not only will this program be presented to women who are currently suffering, as well as the men in these relationships, but it will educate our future.
We strongly believe our college dempgraphic is our furture everything. Our future physicians, therapist, mentors, mothers, husbands, and best friends. By educating them on this extremely prevalent disorder and the treatment options availble we can start to create a world with a better support system. We also belive that in starting the coversation on vaginismus and inspiring others to continue it far past the program we can alleviate the isolation these women are trapped in. Everyone knows what erectile dysfunction is but when you say vaginismus people have a look of confusion. We are on a mission that will make vaginismus as well known as erectile dysfunction.
For more information on this program please email us at”
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