Have you seen the video on vaginismus?

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Post-Procedure Have you seen the video on vaginismus?

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    Hi ladies. In her post yesterday, Rachel wrote “I am happy too and able to have sex that is not painful and I am so happy that I finally got my cure! I did a video about my journey with Vaginismus on youtube to let people know they are not alone – Kazia Gray Alone Anymore.”

    This is a wonderful post Rachel and I could never describe in words how amazing your video is and how much it means to me personally. Just – thank you from the bottom of my heart. To see Rachel’s video, please see:



    Thanks Heather! I look back on that video and I am so thankful that I did it. It inspires and shows me how far I have come.


    It is absolutely wonderful Rachel!!!!! It just goes to show you that you can do anything that you put your mind too! Amazing!!!

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