Is my vagina “normal”?

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Daily Questions About Vaginismus Is my vagina “normal”?

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    Hi ladies. I got the idea to post this new topic from a recent post regarding self-discovery, anatomy, and the mirror exercise. Well before I found Dr. Pacik’s procedure and was cured from vaginismus, I tried so many different treatments including ordering a vaginismus kit and workbook. In this, there was actually a full step/chapter on anatomy/self-discovery. I did the mirror exercise and completed this step/chapter but still was unable to insert even a q-tip without excruciating pain. Over the course of trying, I remember really worrying that the reason for my painful sex was that my vagina was not physically normal. I doubted that the procedure and dilating would ever work for me because of this. When I woke up from the procedure with the dilator inside of me and in place, I can remember being so happy that it worked; I was anatomically correct and my vagina was physically normal; and I was then able to progress with dilation and pain-free intercourse. Did anyone also have this same fear pre-procedure?


    Yes! At my first GYN exam in my early 20s (years after not being able to insert anything on my own) I asked my GYN if everything was normal anatomically down there. I remember being both relieved and also upset. I think I wanted her to say “no” so that it could be a quick surgical fix. Over a decade later I discovered and had the Botox treatment and am currently dilating as I type this!


    Hi heather, I’m so happy to have read this post bc I do have high anxiety right now that what if I’m just not normal down there and this won’t work. I have diagnosed myself and have never been to a gynecologist. Has there ever been a patient that has come to New Hampshire and figured out that it isn’t vaginismus but physically not normal???

    mmDr. Pacik

    There are a thousand worries that the average patient has as the day of treatment approaches. “What ifs” tend to be all consuming. There comes a point that it helps to simply allow the flow to take you along its course. I often tell (my worried surgical patients) that they should think of their surgery or treatment as a ride in the car. They put their seat belts on (these are the many safety monitors we have throughout the operating and recovery room) and I’ll take them for a safe ride. I know the route and I am a safe driver. For my vaginismus patients where the treatment has a high level of safety, but anxiety rears its ugly head, the same can be true to help stem the normal anxiety that takes place. There is not much more anyone can say. The day comes and goes, much like any other day. Now you are on one side, then you have stepped across and you are on the other side.
    How have the other women felt about getting this close to the treatment date?
    PS. The vaginas are all normal!

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