Hi ladies. There is an excellent new blog posted today that thoroughly describes the use of Botox for vaginismus which was widely discussed at the recent ISSWSH 2013 Annual Meeting that Dr. Pacik attended.
Excerpts from the Blog include:
“At the recent ISSWSH 2013 annual meeting, the use of Botox to treat vaginismus was widely discussed. It is well recognized that there are a variety of treatments for vaginismus that work. It is also understood that it is important to stratify the severity of vaginismus. Less severe cases respond to a variety of treatments including sex counseling, psychotherapy and physical therapy to name a few. More severe cases of vaginismus listen politely to the recommendations of the therapist but are unable to incorporate the suggestions into a meaningful treatment program because of high levels of fear and anxiety to vaginal penetration. It is for this reason that treatment with Botox is performed under general anesthesia at which time the patient is progressively dilated to the large dilators. Waking up with a large dilator in place often “flips a switch” and sets the stage for continued dilation at home (Ref. below).”
I would welcome your feedback and comments here after reading this excellent blog.