New Blog: Vaginismus – A Man’s Perspective

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus for the Men New Blog: Vaginismus – A Man’s Perspective

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  • #8637

    Hi all. There is an excellent new blog written today that discusses vaginismus from a man’s perspective and further encourages male partners/husbands to join the Forum and actively participate by both writing and reading posts.

    I would encourage you to read the blog and would welcome your comments and feedback:

    mmDr. Pacik

    I would encourage every woman reading this to have her honey read this too and post. It is rare for men to get involved at this level but it will be of great value to them and also for the women to understand vaginismus from a man’s point of view. Let’s get some threads going guys! We can sing just as loud!


    Communication is Key to Overcoming Vaginismus

    “When both partners have a chance to express themselves to others and to each other, there is a much higher rate of success in overcoming vaginismus. Many couples find themselves closer to each other, have improved communication skills and do not take their sexual relationship or partner for granted once they overcome vaginismus together.”

    mmDr. Pacik

    I would urge all participants involved with the Forum to read Tammy Nelson’s new book The New Monogamy: Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity (Paperback, 2013) available on
    I felt compelled to write a review for Amazon because I felt the book was so important. I am introducing some of these concepts into my post procedure counseling.
    Although the book deals with infidelity issues, the book really helps couples learn how to communicate better and in this way reaches far beyond infidelity issues. A number of valuable exercises are described.

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