Hi ladies. There is an excellent new blog posted today regarding dilating post-procedure:
Excerpts from the Blog include:
“One of the scary things my patients express is the fear of dilating the day after Botox treatment for vaginismus. Every patient seems to go through this turmoil. In actual fact, dilating after Botox treatment for vaginismus is much easier than imagined. This is due in large part to having been dilated to the large dilators under anesthesia and sleeping with a medium #4 dilator the night of treatment.
When patients return the following day for counseling, we take them through the dilation process even though the Botox is not yet effective. The #5 large dilator is lubed, the #4 removed, and in one motion the patient or her partner inserts the next larger dilator. Scary as this may seem this is such a cool transformation to experience as pre-procedure nerves change into post-procedure elation. This is only the beginning of what will be a successful journey and gives everyone the feeling of empowerment.
With personal involvement in the treatment of more than 275 patients since 2005, I can honestly say that the day after vaginismus treatment is a day I look forward to watching the change from nerves to elation.”