Questions for July and August 2014 Patients
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July 24, 2014 at 4:42 pm #13173
ParticipantQuote:Quote from jessbee on July 24, 2014, 01:33
Thank you, Dr. Pacik for easing my worries. Now, can someone give me examples of what you wore to your procedure and the follow up days, please?Hi Jessbee. I am getting so excited for your procedure as well as the other upcoming August patients. For my procedure, I wore comfortable clothes (i.e. capris and Red Sox t-shirt). I did bring Spanx and wore these on day 1 and then wore boy-shorts on day 2. At the time I had my procedure, we only used the Pure Romance dilators and they do stay inside easier. The glass ones tend to slip out but a tighter fitting pair of spanx/boy-shirts does work wonders to keep them in. Others have also noted bringing pads due to the surgi-lube/lidocaine mix.
Sending you the biggest hug and my positive thoughts.
July 24, 2014 at 8:44 pm #13180KP
ParticipantGood luck to all the ladies having the surgery soon. I am still processing my emotions and everything that happened but the surgery is the easier than expected, everyone involved was professional and caring and I had a fantastic nurse. The 1% hydrocortisone cream has been really helpful for assisting with soreness.
Without the surgery I would never be able to start my journey to overcome vaginismus. I still have a way to go with dilation and it won’t be a smooth or easy journey, but the stats are hopeful.
What I found helpful:
Researching info on the forum was really helpful pre and post procedure.
Not going to Dr Pacik as a last resort, based on my condition it would be near impossible for me to do dilation, but through surgery I came out of the surgery with a glass 6 dilator, so I know it will be possible to advance back to 6 in the future.
Read Dr Pacik’s book.
Take time to relax.
KHJuly 25, 2014 at 7:26 am #13181galaxygal
ParticipantNatalie and KP, so happy for you and the progress you have made so far!! I am keeping the women having their procedure soon in my thoughts, you are going to do great!!
Just wanted to share an update from me (11 days post procedure)…..One of the major accomplishments I have had lately is the realization that since this all started I have been distant from my husband and have been avoiding any kind of intimacy, like snuggling, because I have had this subconscious fear that it would lead to penetration. Since this started 2 years ago I have slowly moved further and further away from being intimate because I was trying to avoid penetration and the feeling that I was broken because every time we were intimate even if it didn’t involve penetration, it reminded me that I couldn’t have intercourse. Since this procedure I have started to overcome this and I am loving all the intimate touch, snuggling and love we are sharing! It has definitely been me that has been distant these years and my husband is really starting to love the connections we are reforming and uncovering from the dust. We haven’t attempted intercourse since the procedure yet but I am starting to regain my sexuality which is such a gift in and of itself. 🙂
P.S. I have been using a facecloth to stick between my underwear and the glass dilators to keep them in. The pad wasn’t thick enough. I just wear a sundress or skirt so it doesn’t look like I have a ridiculous bulge coming from my butt :).
July 26, 2014 at 1:30 am #13183jessbee
Participantgalaxygirl..thank you for sharing that…it gives me hope that i can become interested in sex..want it..and enjoy it. because right now, like you, i tend to avoid it as much as possible. i feel really guilty because i can not even give that intimacy to my husband. no libido whatsoever. taking antidepressant does not help with that either.
July 29, 2014 at 1:54 am #13189jessbee
Participanti have another question: after the procedure do women typically feel well enough to be out and about exploring the town and such, or do you just feel tired and have a hard time walking around with the dilator?
July 29, 2014 at 6:05 am #13190galaxygal
ParticipantJessbee, When I got home I took a nap for about 2 hours and then I felt better. I think the anesthesia made me tired and the whole experience was mentally tiring for me so I just took it easy that day but I think I would have felt up to getting dinner out if we weren’t local, might help get your mind off of things. For me, I wore the purple silicone home and it was uncomfortable for me to sit so I struggled with that. I also had trouble sleeping with it in and didn’t get that much sleep that night, I think that is why Dr. Pacik recommends taking something to help you sleep. Now, 2 weeks post procedure it doesn’t bother me to sleep with the purple in or to walk around or sit down, a big difference from day 1. I am amazed at the difference from day 1 to day 15. So maybe decide that day on how you feel and don’t pressure yourself, if you feel up to it then exploring Manchester can be fun but if you are tired and just need to watch a good movie and snuggle at the hotel, that works too!
July 30, 2014 at 11:49 pm #13196jessbee
ParticipantThank you, Galaxygal! you are indeed a great help and comfort. i hate not knowing what to expect, thus all the questions! Now, here’s another: what is the weather like right now? during the day/night? i am from deep south texas, but now living in houston..and we know nothing but HOT HOT HOT. what is the average temperature during the day/night? is rain expected in the next two weeks? i’m always cold due to my thyroid problem, so i need to know if i need to take light jackets/long sleeve, ect.
July 31, 2014 at 5:23 pm #13197galaxygal
ParticipantIf you are from a warm climate, NH is going to be cold to you :). There was someone from the south having her procedure the same day as me from the south and she mentioned how cold she was so definitely bring a sweatshirt. The mornings are still cool and the days can range between 70 to 90 degrees. The morning is more fifties and sixties. Been sunny but thunderstorms here and there with rain. Prep for it to be a little cool for you 🙂
July 31, 2014 at 11:39 pm #13198jessbee
Participantthank you! i’m a total pain in the butt with all my questions but would it be okay to go to the procedure in pj pants/shirt?
August 2, 2014 at 6:52 pm #13203galaxygal
ParticipantI wore my yoga pants and a Tshirt to the office, something comfy is good. Don’t forget to pack a couple of pairs of underwear and something like biking shorts to bring with you to the procedure. For the actual procedure you get to wear one of those hospital gowns, very classy :-). Ps. Even I am cold today in NH! We have a cool breeze thing going on.
August 3, 2014 at 7:20 pm #13209jessbee
Participantok, yoga pants sounds good to me! If I could go to work in yoga pants I would! hospital gowns…yay :\ yes, we are planning to take light sweaters and jackets just in case! 🙂 it will be beautiful weather…we are experiencing triple digit weather over here!
August 4, 2014 at 9:16 am #13219Heather34
ParticipantSending up support and positive thoughts to all of the ladies who will be treated today!!!! :):):)
August 4, 2014 at 9:44 pm #13235Dr. Pacik
ParticipantOur ladies did great today! (and so did the men).
August 4, 2014 at 9:49 pm #13236Heather34
ParticipantThis is so wonderful! Huge CONGRATS girls (and guys)!!!! :):):)
August 7, 2014 at 12:27 am #13256jessbee
Participantdoes the anesthesia cause nausea or vomiting after the procedure? I have a very weak/nervous stomach and any little thing out of the ordinary affects it. hope i can be given a pill or patch to prevent that.
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