Talking to medical students about vaginismus

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Advocacy Talking to medical students about vaginismus

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    Hi all. In an excellent recent post, Lulu wrote: “Has anyone ever talked to med students during a class at a college, a conference, or something of that nature? I think I would be most open to potentially doing that if I had an opportunity mainly because I feel it is important to introduce future med students to vaginismus. I think hearing about it through the point of view of someone who suffers or has suffered with it would be much more informative than learning about it from a professor who has A. Never had it, B. Barely knows anything about it, C. Simply teaches what is in a text book, which is probably just a paragraph or two, or D. All of the above.” I would love to participate and talk to medical students about vaginismus as the more that it is discussed, the more likelihood that physicians will learn of it and make no other women feel “abnormal” or suggest to “just relax” or “have a drink” prior to attempting intercourse. Who else would also be willing to talk to medical students about vaginismus. It could be in the form of a Webinar as to include people from many different geographical locations.

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