Teaching Physicians about Vaginismus

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Advocacy Teaching Physicians about Vaginismus

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    Hi all. There is an excellent new Blog posted regarding Teaching Physicians about Vaginismus:


    Excerpts include:

    “Recently, one of our Forum members who has become a staunch advocate for women suffering with vaginismus has been invited to conduct a workshop that will teach both physicians and nurses about the condition of vaginismus

    On our VaginismusMD Forum, she writes:

    “Hello Everyone, I have some great news. I have been asked to conduct a workshop for some nurses and doctors at a local Sexual Health clinic here in Calgary. This is not going to be an easy step to take, but I am looking forward to it. I wanted to share this because I was wondering if anyone else on this forum was from Calgary and would like to join me! It will be happening on November 1st from 1-3pm. I would also like to ask all of you if there is anything in particular that you would like me to educate them about in particular. I want to be a voice for all of you to the professionals that I have a chance to talk with face to face, so please let me know. Even if you want me to share a particular story about how you have been treated when you have tried to access services for help. What would make things better for you? Please comment below and I will be sure to pass on your messages to the professionals that have allowed me to talk to them about vaginismus.”

    Further excerpts from the Blog include:

    “I encourage you to please comment on this important post. For the veterans who are now post-procedure and who may have suffered for countless years with this condition, what do you want physicians and nurses to know about it? For anyone who continues to suffer with vaginismus, please let your voices be heard. What is it that we can all teach physicians and nurses about this often devastating condition? Knowledge is power and the more that we all contribute in this fight, the more the condition of vaginismus will become more well-known so that no woman has to continue to suffer in silence or receive misdiagnosis.”

    As always, I would love your comments and feedback here. Thank you so, so much.

    mmDr. Pacik

    To this day most physicians and health care professionals know little to nothing about vaginismus. The subject is not taught in medical school and there is limited exposure during residency. Since there is widespread ignorance about understanding and diagnosing vaginismus, let alone about treating this condition, it becomes essential that everyone helps with getting the word out.

    Rachel struggled with vaginismus for 12 years before being successfully treated using the Botox program. As a nurse she is highly capable of teaching other health care professionals. Please help by writing your story, the information you would like others to know.

    If you want to learn more about Rachel, listen to the song she composed “Alone Anymore” dedicated to those still struggling with vaginismus, and make your comment. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9fZ0855nzc


    Thank you Dr Pacik for your support. It is quite daunting speaking up about this condition, but I believe it is important. It would be so great if women would get on board with this.

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