recommended titles
There are hundreds of erotic books out there of every size, shape, and predilection. To try to read through them and “review” them would be ludicrous, even if we thought our personal taste in erotica was universal (which we don’t). So these are just a few books that our staff or patient, have read, used, and enjoyed:
The Lover
By Margueritte Duras
This dreamlike story set in prewar Indochina, where race, class, and culture play a supporting role, depicts an affair between 2 outcasts: an adolescent French girl and her wealthy Chinese lover. Beautifully written.
The Pillow Boy of the Lady Onogoro
By Alison Fell
This tale set in feudal Japan, tells the story of a concubine who hires a stable boy to whisper erotic stories from behind a screen while she entertains her master, a samurai general.
Lady Chatterley's Lover
By D.H. Lawrence
between a sexually unfulfilled upper-class married woman and the game keeper who works for her. Unlike other erotic novels where the writing may be lacking, in this book, the reader can enjoy the sexual content as well as Lawrence’s masterful writing.
Delta of Venus
By Anais Nin
Anais Nin is well known for her erotic writing. This collection of short stories, written in the 1940’s and posthumously published, is a good introduction to her style and sensibility. Some may find it a little “dark” while others may find it is just what they are looking for.
Henry and June
By Anais Nin
This book is based on unpublished diaries of Anais Nin and focuses on her passionate involvement with the author Henry Miller and his wife June.
Best Women's Erotica of the Year
Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel
Each year brings a new addition to this series of “Bests.” The stories run about 4-8 pages and span the gamut from tame to more kinky with two on one sex, lesbian sex, and some light BDSM. Strikingly these collections of erotic short stories are quite well written.
Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women
Edited by Violet Blue
These are fun short stories of 3-5 pages which are extremely explicit, some explore light BDSM with some tying up, playful role playing, etc. This is a great basic book of women’s porn.
Fifty Shades of Grey
By E.L. James
It is hard to leave the house without hearing about Fifty Shades of Grey, and the sex scenes are hot! However, the story and the writing may not appeal to everyone. This book is not known for its imaginative plot but some may enjoy it just for sheer escapism and its inclusion of light BDSM. It can be a good introduction to those ideas if you have never thought about them.
Master of the Shadowlands
By Cherise Sinclair
This is one story, and it includes somewhat intense BDSM. Cherise Sinclair is quite prolific so if you like this one, there are many others to choose from.
It Ends With Us
By Colleen Hoover
This is a layered tale and a good read the first time, the second time…
hooked on book series? try these:
- The Crossfire Series, by Sylvia Day
- The Stark Series, by J. Kenner
- This Man Trilogy, by Jodi Ellen Malpas
- Manwhore, by Katy Evans
- The After Series, by Anna Tod
- The Wicked Horse Series, by Sawyer Bennet
- The Beautiful Series, by Christina Lauren
- Something in the Way, by Jessica Hawkins
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