We’re not big fans of spending lots of money on crazy inventions, furniture, swings, etc. We generally belong to the “less is more” school of thought when it comes to sex, but we do know that sometimes something small can go a long way in terms of adding fun and spice into your bedroom. Included here are oils, creams, candles and even “things to eat." Have fun but remember, “enhancers” do exactly that, enhance. They can’t, and shouldn’t be expected to, solve real problems.
Oils, Creams and Bath Soaks
When was the last time you and your partner took a good long soak (bubble bath or shower) together? And when was the last time you took the time to stroke, caress and massage each other? Well, maybe it’s been too long. Using bath products is a fun way to rediscover each other’s skin. So get naked and get going.
Candles and Edibles
Darken the room, light some candles, use some scents and rediscover romance. So often in long term relationships the romance gets lost in the shuffle. What could be better than edible chocolate and whipped cream to put your mouth back to work – kissing, licking or… whatever. These are products which may make you feel a bit “sexier,” a bit more daring, and a whole lot more kissable.
See more of our recommended products including books, vibrators and more!