It’s Not “Just in Your Head”

You don’t have to live without a fulfilling sex life just because you had a baby, passed through menopause or grew up with doubts about sex. Whether it’s Vaginismus, Low Sex Drive, Hormone Imbalances or something else, at Maze, we believe that a satisfying sex life can be yours. And we know it’s not just in your head.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today.



Free 10 Minute Phone Consultation or For More Information
Call 914-328-3700 or complete the form below.

Meet The Team at Maze Women's Health

What makes the team of experts at Maze Women’s Health unique? We treat the whole patient in order to resolve both the physical and psychological aspects of sexual health. Whether you’re struggling with painful sex, low sex drive, hormone imbalances, menopausal symptoms or orgasm challenges, we’ve been successfully helping women for more than 20 years. and we can help you too.


“Love yourself first before getting into a relationship.” True?

We’ve all heard the expression you can’t love anyone else before you learn to love yourself. Is there actual truth to this? Is it meant…

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How Gen Z Measures Up When It Comes to Sex

Last year, there was some media attention given to research conducted at UCLA and the University of Chicago that suggested Gen Zers (18-30 year olds)…

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How to Get Over Sex Toy Talk Anxiety

If you’re a “Sex and the City” fan, you’re familiar with the over-the-shoulder shot of our beloved Carrie Bradshaw sitting at her desk and typing…

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  • “I guarantee that every dollar you invest on travel to visit the office and to have the vaginismus procedure will result in a wealth of happiness for you and your partner.”

    C, age 28

  • “Things weren't going well with me and my husband, but I just didn't know where to turn or how to fix it. For a long time I felt like I was not normal. I can't tell you how great it feels to be normal again!”

    J, age 36

  • “It's such a good feeling to have this issue (lichen sclerosis) fixed / under control, but even more so in learning / finally understanding that it is fine and okay to talk about sex... ”

    MK, age 30

  • “I went to see a hypnotist, a physical therapist and had a special massage, but nothing helped. Then I heard about Maze Women’s Sexual Health. It changed our lives.”

    I, age 21

  • “I was very surprised that it took 6 weeks to fix something that had been an issue for a year and a half!”

    Michelle S, age 32